Laboratory Power Supply for Tubes Designed by Jon Idestam-Almquist |
From "Radio & Television" April, 1961 |
Outputs: Anode voltage: 90-450 V max 200 mA in two ranges 0-100 V negative 5 mA 6,3 V 5 A with centertap 6,3 V 5 A with centertap I built my unit a little different than was described. Four meters instead of one switchable. |
Circuit diagram (Click to enlarge) |
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I made some pcbs the old fashioned way. Here is the left side where the PCB holds the two ECC83 and the 85A2. |
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Top view |
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From the rear. |
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List of components: C1, 2, 5 = 100uF 450 V insulated electrolytic cap. C3, 4, 6 = 32 uF 450 V C7 = 0,1 uF 250 V C8, 9 = 10 nF 400 V polyester C10 = 0,2 uF 350 V C11 = 6,8 uF C12 = 0,1 uF 600 V C13 = 8 uF 500 V electrolytic R1-2 = 82 ohm 5,5 W wire wound R3-6 = 100 k 2W R7 = 1,8 k 5,5W wire wound R8-9 = 270 ohm 0,5W R10-11 = 3,9 k 0,5W R12-13 = 1,5 M 0,5W R14 = 240 k 0,5W R15-16 = 9,1 k 0,5W R17 = 150 k 1 W R18 = 25 k 1 W wire wound pot. R19 = 100 k 1 W R20, 21, 23 = 220 k 0,5W R22 = 120 k 0,5W R24 = 47 k 0,5W R25 = 22 k 10 W wire wound R26 = 5,6 k 10 W adjustable R27 = 20 k 12 W wire wound pot. R28 = 8,2 k 5,5W wire wound R29 = 20 k 4W wire wound pot. Sr1,2 = 1A fuse (at 230V) Sr3 = 200 mA fuse Sr4 = 20 mA fuse V1 = GZ34 V2 = EL34 V3 = EL34 V4 = ECC83 V5 = ECC83 VR1 = 108C1/0B2 VR2 = 85A2 D1 = E250C50 (can be replaced by 1N4007) Dr1 = 50 H 40 mA choke Tr1 = Prim: 230 V Sec: 2x450V/225 mA with tap at 250 V 2x3,15 V/4A 2x3,15 V/5A 2x3,15 V/5A 5V/2A |